Personnel will wash hands as soon as possible after removal of gloves or other PPE. 0000207621 00000 n Join our mailing list to get the latest news and offers from MedPro Disposal and our partners! Equipment shall be examined on a regular schedule determined by the manufacturers recommendations or University policies. Do you already have the disease? Immediately after completing patient contact, If PPE no longer works as an effective barrier. Training must include a comprehensive discussion of this standard, including epidemiology, symptoms and transmission of bloodborne diseases; the Exposure Control Plan; the uses, limitations of, and procedures for using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); a discussion of the HBV vaccination (including the benefits of vaccination and efficacy of the vaccine in preventing disease); emergency procedures involving blood exposure or contamination and post-exposure follow- up procedures; hazard communication; and a question-and-answer discussion opportunity. So why is this test performed? Both the initial and annual refresher versions must include protective measures to be taken to prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens. 0000008024 00000 n A standard for managing blood-borne pathogens, b. 0000027666 00000 n Included is a list of tasks and procedures, or groups of closely related tasks and procedures, in which occupational exposure may occur for these individuals: Job Title Department Location Task Procedure, __Housekeeper_________________Environmental Services____________Handling Regulated Waste__, Job Title Department Location Task Procedure. Medical Students, Physician Assistant Students, Resident and Attending physicians carrying out duties at non-University hospitals and clinics are required to follow the host institution's exposure control plan with respect to PPE use. The training format will be as follows: (Describe training format, such as audiovisuals, interactive computer programs, classroom instruction, etc.). 0000023525 00000 n Containers must prevent leakage or soak through from wet laundry during storage or transport. The high exposure potential group includes all employees that work with, or have potential exposure to blood, blood products, or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM)* while performing their assigned job duties. All employees should change gloves when contaminated. (Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for reviewing and updating the ECP annually or more frequently if necessary to reflect any new or modified tasks and procedures that affect occupational exposure and to reflect new or revised employee positions with occupational exposure. An exposure incident is evaluated to determine if the case meets OSHAs Recordkeeping Requirements (29 CFR 1904). Generally, this will be the supervisor who was notified. Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted: Transmission occurs by all means stated. 0000004972 00000 n Additional requirements such as permitting and registration, inspection, specialized procedures and training are required for BSL3 and higher laboratories. Hands should be washed immediately after gloves are removed. Exposure Control Plan written plan to eliminate or minimize occupational exposures. If the employee has had the vaccine previously, but has not had a blood antibody titer to confirm his or her immunity, the employee will be offered the opportunity to have a titer drawn. Explanation of how the incident occurred. Persons who do not respond to the primary vaccine series should complete a second three dose vaccine series or be evaluated to determine if they are HBsAg positive. This log will be maintained by the University Workers Compensation Office and will be forwarded to the responsible administrator of the location were the injury took place. 0000023444 00000 n entertainment, news presenter | 4.8K views, 28 likes, 13 loves, 80 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from GBN Grenada Broadcasting Network: GBN. a. true. Exposure Control Plan. COVID-19 Work Plan; Drinking Water Quality. An employee who declines the vaccine may at any time elect to have the vaccine if his or her job tasks or work setting continue to have the risk of potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens. An Exposure Control Plan is meant to be a "living" document, used as a source of information for answering bloodborne pathogen-related questions and to help ensure exposure control activities are in place. Gloves should be worn for touching blood and body fluids or any OPIM, for handling items or surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids, and for performing venipuncture and other vascular access procedures. 0000007587 00000 n (Name of responsible person or department will ensure that adequate supplies of the aforementioned equipment are available in the appropriate sizes. If exposures to blood or other body fluids (other body fluids includes other potentially infectious material, such as semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial, and amniotic fluids, and any other body fluid that contains visible blood) are reasonably anticipated, you are required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to develop an Exposure Control Plan. The first thing to do is notify the appropriate supervisor, so they can make that decision. xref 0000216295 00000 n Model Plans and Programs for All blood borne pathogens are presumed to be infectious and appropriate PPE, such as gloves, safety glasses, and lab coats must be worn when handling blood or other potentially infectious materials in the OSHA Blood borne Pathogen Standard. PPE is provided to our employees at no cost to them. Pull upward toward your fingers, allowing it to slide off inside out. If within 90 days of the exposure incident the employee elects to have the baseline sample tested, such testing shall be done as soon as feasible. Be affixed as close as feasible to the container by string, wire, adhesive or other method that prevents their accidental loss, Be optional if individual containers of blood or OPIM are placed in labeled containers, Not be used on containers of blood or blood products that are labeled as to their contents and released for transfusion or other clinical uses. Scientists have extensively studied how bloodborne pathogens spread. Employees who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from all direct contact with blood or OPIM and from handling patient-care equipment until the condition resolves. This list includes the name of the chemical, the manufacturer, the work area in which the chemical is used, dates of use, and quantity used. It is the PIs responsibility to ensure that researchers, technicians, students, or volunteers who work in the laboratory and who have contact with animals, infectious agents, or blood borne pathogens are medically evaluated prior to starting work and that anyone working with blood borne pathogens is offered the hepatitis B vaccination series administered by the Research Occupational Health Program in compliance with the Blood borne Pathogen Exposure Policy for Boston University/Boston Medical Center. After exposure, you should be careful about touching something with your gloved hands especially eating or drinking. The enclosed document comprises the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan for the University of Nevada, Reno, as required by State regulations and Federal OSHA Statute 29 CFR 1910.1030, hereafter referred to as the Plan. Laundry shall be cleaned in accordance with established written laboratory/department procedures. Such requests should be sent to (Name of responsible person or department and address). Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves and lab coats, is specialized equipment or clothing worn by workers that provides an effective barrier to blood or OPIM. <<653D9DF527CB4F45B4B4E7C0F3CC35BE>]>> Following the medical evaluation, a copy of the health care professionals written opinion will be obtained and provided to the employee within 15 days of the completion of the evaluation. Your unbroken skin comes in contact with blood or bodily fluids. 0 Upon completion of this laboratory specific plan, the PI/supervisor must file it in a central location within the laboratory along with the Boston University Biosafety Manual for all personnel to access. All material that consists of, or is contaminated with, human blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) must be considered potentially contaminated with bloodborne pathogens. In the event of an exposure incident, as defined in the Exposure Determination section of this Plan, the affected employee shall receive immediate first aid to mitigate effects of possible exposure. Workers must be trained on the proper use of such equipment and the equipment must be regularly inspected and maintained. If the employee consents to baseline blood collection, but does not give consent at that time for HIV serologic testing, the sample shall be preserved for at least 90 days. xb`````Oc`c`; B@163:00^`&>yi*puz[]M@S $@IIl(p20oh@lQe` John's employer: Is in violation of OSHA standards. Warning labels must be affixed to waste containers, refrigerators, freezers, and other containers used to store, transport or ship blood or OPIM. If exposures to blood or other body fluids* are reasonably anticipated, you are required by the Occupational Safety and Health . startxref The specific engineering controls and work practice controls used are listed below: Sharps disposal containers are inspected and maintained or replaced by (Name of responsible person or department) every (list frequency) or whenever necessary to prevent overfilling. 0000000016 00000 n Never wash or decontaminate disposable gloves for reuse. It is designed to achieve compliance with State and Federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) standards, specifically 29 CFR 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens. To supplement the universal precautions listed and detailed in the previous sections, the following precautions are recommended for workers in clinical laboratories. 0000220468 00000 n Eye protection devices such as safety glasses with side shields, or goggles must be used whenever there is potential for splash, spray, splatter of potentially infectious material. Equipment shall be evaluated on a regular basis and when applicable, results will be forwarded to the responsible supervisor such as the clinic manager, head nurse, or principal investigator. The following model Hazard Communication Program is based on the requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. However, if youre much more likely to catch Hep B this way. Use of needles and syringes should be limited to situations in which there is no alternative, and the recommendations for preventing injuries with needles outlined in the universal precautions section should be followed. Periodically, employees are required to perform non-routine tasks that are hazardous. (Name of responsible person and/or position) is the program coordinator, with overall responsibility for the program, including reviewing and updating this plan as necessary. You know a thing or two about BBP exposure control in the workplace. The Boston University Biosafety Manual provides additional guidance on these topics. In the course of developing your Exposure Control Plan (ECP) identify the job classifications not at risk for exposure to a BBP or OPM: Corrections office . Questions may be directed to: Research Occupational Health Program at (617) 358- 7647. 0000210330 00000 n The provisions of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard and Biosafety Manual are the basis for the Boston University compliance program and all employees, contractors and visitors are required to follow the requirements described in this Exposure Control Plan. These documents will be kept for at least three years at (Location of records). 0000002250 00000 n An immediate evaluation is important, as efficacy of post-exposure medication for HIV and other infectious agents may be less effective if the initiation of treatment is delayed. 0000016721 00000 n (Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for ensuring that warning labels are affixed or red bags are used as required if regulated waste or contaminated equipment is brought into the facility. The following model for an Exposure Control Plan includes all elements required by the OSHA bloodborne pathogens standard (29 CFR 1910.1030). For example, they know that your HIV only has a .3% chance of transmitting disease through broken skin. aA=K. The procedure below will be followed when an MSDS is not received at the time of initial shipment: Copies of MSDSs for all hazardous chemicals to which employees are exposed or are potentially exposed will be kept in (identify location). First aid for a possible exposure incident shall consist of the following procedures: Needlesticks with used or contaminated equipment, Cover the wound with sterile bandage as needed. Such a training program will require demonstrating proficiency prior to advancement to the next level. To ensure that information about the dangers of all hazardous chemicals used by (Name of Company) is known by all affected employees, the following hazardous information program has been established. Renown Health Urgent Care - Ryland (preferred), Accelerator & X-ray Safety Advisory Committee, Chapter 1: Biosafety Manual Purpose, Scope & Responsibilities, Chapter 3: Biosafety Regulations and Guidelines, Chapter 5: Laboratory Biosafety Practices, Chapter 8: Laboratory Ventilation for Biosafety, Chapter 15: Animal Care and Use in University Research, Testing, and Education Programs, Chapter 16: Packaging and Shipping Infectious Agents, Chapter 1: Chemical Hygiene Plan Purpose, Scope & Responsibilities, Chapter 3: Written Standard Operating Procedures, Chapter 4: Safe Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Chapter 6: Identifying Peroxide-Forming Chemicals, Chapter 7: Corrosive Chemicals and Allergens, Chapter 8: Cryogenic Liquids and Compressed Gases, Chapter 9: Particularly Hazardous Substances, Chapter 13: Personal Protective Equipment, Chapter 14: Eyewash Fountains and Safety Showers, Chapter 15: Communication of Chemical Hazards, Chapter 18: Medical Consultations and Examinations, Chapter 21: Incident Reporting and Investigation, Laboratory Specific Training Documentation, Partial List of Chemical Incompatibilities, Voluntary Use of Air Purifying Respirators, 3.0 Occupational Dose Limits and Contamination Standards, 6.0 Procedure for Obtaining Radiation Use Authorization (RUA), 7.0 Procedure to Obtain Classroom Use Authorization (CUA), 13.0 Iodination Procedure I-125 and I-131, 16.0 Restricted Area Designation Procedure, 19.0 Procedure when Exposure Limits are Exceeded, Appendix A: Radiation Safety Staff and Services, Appendix C: Waste Pick-Up and Disposal Procedures, 1.0 Respiratory Protection Program Introduction, 9.0 Hazard Communication by Personnel Outside the Department or Workplace, 10.0 Communication of Hazard Information to Non-University Personnel, Appendix I: Labeling of Secondary Containers of Hazardous Chemicals, Institutional Oversight of Dual Use Research of Concern Policy, Environmental Health and Safety Department, University Biohazardous Waste Management Plan, Safety glasses; goggles when high likelihood of spray or splash, Face shield and goggles for large liquid volumes (4 L), Lab coat and gloves as recommended in the, Face shield when there is high likelihood of spray or splash, Face shield for large volumes or high likelihood of spray or splash, Face shield and chemical goggles for large liquid volumes (4 L), Face shield and chemical goggles when pouring or other transfers, Lab coat, cryogenic gloves or other insulated gloves that provide cold protection, solid toe shoes, Face Shield if spray or splash hazard Respirator: as prescribed by work-specific SOP, Gown, shoe covers, gloves, or as prescribed in laboratory SOP, Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in research; Cadaver embalming and dissection, Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in diagnosis, teaching, and research, Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in research, Mental health patient care; Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in research, Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in research; Cadaver embalming & dissection, Launder uniforms, towels, rendering first aid; clean up contaminated sharps, Rendering First Aid; cleaning up blood or other OPIM, First Aid provided; cleaning up blood or OPIM, Incident response; handling biohazardous waste, Clean up blood; OPIM; and contaminated sharps, Designated individuals responsible for blood cleanup. The procedure for handling sharps disposal containers is: __ (may refer to specific procedure by title or number and last date of review) _________________________________________________________, The procedure for handling other regulated waste is: ___(may refer to specific procedure by title or number and last date of review)_________________________________________________________. Getting your employees trained can avoid possible OSHA violations and liability. All persons should wash their hands after completing laboratory activities and should remove protective clothing before leaving the laboratory. Required PPE can be modified following an assessment of the risk of any specific procedure. Employee training records are provided upon request to the employee or the employees authorized representative within 15 working days. Any cut or other puncture of the skin caused by contaminated equipment, tools, scalpels, etc. If an MSDS is not available, contact (name of responsible person and/or position). The (name of responsible person and/or position) in each section will ensure that all secondary containers are labeled with either an extra copy of the original manufacturers label or with labels marked with the identity and the appropriate hazard warning. The specific requirements for each, along with record keeping requirements, are outlined in the Plan. 0000017235 00000 n Broken glassware that may be contaminated is only picked up using mechanical means, such as a brush and dustpan. Unless you have an open wound, hands-only CPR is unlikely to cause a risk of exposure. 205 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 207 /H [ 1161 828 ] /L 533058 /E 411704 /N 29 /T 528839 >> endobj xref 205 35 0000000016 00000 n 0000001051 00000 n 0000001989 00000 n 0000002147 00000 n 0000002373 00000 n 0000002414 00000 n 0000002863 00000 n 0000003420 00000 n 0000003791 00000 n 0000004344 00000 n 0000004799 00000 n 0000008853 00000 n 0000011803 00000 n 0000401667 00000 n 0000401806 00000 n 0000401946 00000 n 0000402858 00000 n 0000402930 00000 n 0000403050 00000 n 0000403143 00000 n 0000403336 00000 n 0000403892 00000 n 0000403996 00000 n 0000404196 00000 n 0000404480 00000 n 0000405220 00000 n 0000405299 00000 n 0000405451 00000 n 0000405546 00000 n 0000405733 00000 n 0000410938 00000 n 0000411042 00000 n 0000411262 00000 n 0000001161 00000 n 0000001967 00000 n trailer << /Size 240 /Info 203 0 R /Root 206 0 R /Prev 528828 /ID[<6fd1255c9dd8f91dc11bf5f1ff452efe>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 206 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 190 0 R /Metadata 204 0 R /JT 202 0 R /PageLabels 188 0 R >> endobj 238 0 obj << /S 802 /L 955 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 239 0 R >> stream Employees, whose job tasks involve contact with blood or OPIM, who decline to accept the vaccination, shall sign a statement declaring their refusal (see Appendix D. Should an employee later change his or her mind, the vaccination shall be made available to him or her under the above detailed conditions. On the following individual stationary process containers, we are using (description of labeling system used) rather than a label to convey the required information: We are using an in-house labeling system that relies on (describe any in-house system which uses numbers or graphics to convey hazard information). In addition, the training program covers, at a minimum, the following elements: Training materials for this facility are available at (name location). These confidential records are kept in (List location) for at least the duration of employment plus 30 years. Its purpose is to promote safe work practices and to ensure that all workers are protected from exposure to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and other disease-causing pathogens in human blood, body fluids, and tissues. Any cutaneous exposure involving large amounts of blood or OPIM or prolonged contact, especially when the exposed skin is chapped, abraded, or afflicted with dermatitis. Document the route of exposure and circumstances of the incident. Healthcare workers should change gloves after contact with each patient. This Exposure Control Plan applies to all BU personnel with occupational exposure to human materials, including body fluids or tissues, or other potentially infectious materials as defined by OSHA. Use water to thoroughly flush the skin or mucous membranes as soon as possible if they come into contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. Reporting these findings to the supervisor of the workplace, and make recommendations as appropriate. CFR Title 29 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens. Other potentially-infectious materials (OPIM) include objects or any of the following when they have been visibly contaminated with blood: So, for example, a little saliva itself is not considered a risk unless you or another person there has an open sore. This ECP includes: Implementation methods for these elements of the standard are discussed in the subsequent pages of this ECP. Employee medical records are provided upon request of the employee or to anyone having written consent of the employee within 15 working days. Documentation of refusal of the vaccination is kept at (List location). Contaminated materials used in laboratory tests should be decontaminated before reprocessing or placed in bags and disposed of in accordance with the. ), the following activities will be performed: ADMINISTRATION OF POST-EXPOSURE EVALUATION AND FOLLOW-UP. It is now July 1st of the current year. 0000032643 00000 n She is passionate about working towards a purpose, recently graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Media and Marketing, and is currently residing in Manhattan. (Attach a brief description of their qualifications.). Therefore, it is necessary for each department, school or campus to complete certain portions of the plan that will be unique to that entity. 0000004440 00000 n Use a pipet bulb or aspirator for pipetting, NEVER pipet by mouth. Get those gloves off and wash your hands. All employees can review this plan at any time during their work shifts by contacting (Name of responsible person or department). If exposures to blood or other body fluids* are reasonably anticipated, you are required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to develop an Exposure Control Plan. However, I decline hepatitis B vaccination at this time. : Mucous membrane exposure to blood or OPIM, such as a splash to the mouth, eye, etc. A written Exposure Control Plan must be developed and implemented for all employees with potential for exposure to blood borne pathogens. taking a free, online OSHA-adhering BBP training course, A Decade of Empowering People to Save a Life, Introduction to Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), Any special instructions for those entering the room, Name and number of the laboratory director or other responsible person, Pericardial fluid (membrane around the heart), HIV/AIDS a virus that targets and destroys the immune system. This plan will be reviewed and revised annually or whenever changes in procedure or personnel occur. Any needlestick with used or contaminated equipment. These methods are: Under normal circumstances, an individual does not know if a patient or a laboratory sample contains a bloodborne pathogen. Your email address will not be published. Any person present in a BU laboratory who has an incident involving potential exposure to an infectious agent is offered immediate access to a medical evaluation from the Research Occupational Health Program (listed below) or the BMC Emergency Department (after hours, holidays, and weekends). The employees must be informed of the vaccines benefits and risks, and if they choose not to receive it at the initial evaluation time, they must sign a declination form that is provided by Occupational Health Services. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has prepared this plan to be used . Each new employee will attend a health and safety orientation that includes the following information and training: Prior to introducing a new chemical hazard into any section of this company, each employee in that section will be given information and training as outlined above for the new chemical hazard. OSHA Blood borne Pathogen Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030. opening pressurized containers, including vacuum sealed test tubes. This exposure determination lists job classifications in which all employees have occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, and job classifications in which some employees have occupational exposure. If you struggled with various answers or want to learn more, BBP training gives you the practical knowledge you can use in your workplace to keep yourself, coworkers, and customers safe. Place wet contaminated laundry in leak-proof, labeled or colorcoded containers before transport. An exposure determination of University job classifications is provided in Appendix A. Symptoms of contracting a bloodborne infection, c. The science of tracking and controlling diseases, a. Additional copies of the template plan are available through EHS and on EHS website. The exception to this are records for vaccinations provided to employees through the Patient Centered Family Medicine Clinic, which will reside in the State of Nevada Immunization database. This safety policy is directed towards protecting, as much as possible, all University personnel from exposure to blood and OPIM. Grab the wrist of the glove and pull it toward your fingers inside out. A standard laundry detergent must be used, and any potentially contaminated laundry must be washed in hot water using a standard washing cycle for clothing If possible, the use of bleach is advised.
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