I got BEACUSES Where's the beef? With George Michael as the EMT? what @7:02 said. When August debuted (with a Saturday puzzle!) @What? Taken together, I didn't have enough to come up with a last name for this Jeremy character. when? You have to go to Mass, it's your obligation. Otherwise, it just isnt worth the effort. The males survived those services thusly: my older brother would smuggle a transistor radio into the synagogue, listening to the World Series via an earphone, and periodically whispering an update to the rest of us. So yes, frustration times two. So this whole puzzle was easy. I thought eggshells and coffee grounds were used to make MULCHNo. More's the pity; he was the most gifted writer I've ever seen in newsprint.And I think snell refers to knots or the rigging which allows you to deploy multiple hooks. And anyone with half a brain who rode a bike in the 70's or 80's made sure to have a Snell-certified helmet. Nancy Landon was a nurse who served in the Korean War alongside Frank, and Clint. Maybe H(superscript2)O. Theyre everywhere at the office, on holiday, in the waiting room, at the airport, and even in our , Uncovering the mystery of truth behind a crime novel requires acute investigative skills. Dictionary AHA!. ?,annie,oralb,sesh,and turnaloss, and shove 'em. (whew! Ugh. I didn't even think of a cell phone. From the comments I see that some people were confused by the chemically correct term HOH. The NY Times Crossword is a classic American puzzle. Cant say I enjoyed this one much. (The former on SNL, the latter on SCTV.) its my plan to be approachable and not the least bit stuck-up.Liked the BARS/BABBLES cross. It's Become Widespread Crossword Clue, Home On The Is The 'Unofficial Anthem Of The American West' Crossword Clue, Word Before 'Room' Or 'Center' Crossword Clue, Singer Marian, The First African American To Perform At The Met Crossword Clue, Part Of The Knee, For Short Crossword Clue, Very Tiny Bit Crossword Clue Crossword Clue, Pinch Pure Metal Finally, Then Reportedly Pinch An Alloy Crossword Clue, Can You Dig It? It's not really a rebus. We will try to find the right answer to this particular crossword clue. I am not as smart as I think I am, which is a smart slap in the face. I wanted ORBS and ROYCE (and ENG), but couldn't put them in with confidence without the theme answer. ENG or alg or sci or bio or, heck, lat or fre or art or mus or well you get the point. Ay, Dios mio.So I get to 39 A and had to mentally try and count the wives Frank [Sinatra] had. I must be overthinking it. Well we've got Lux AND Veritas. (lover of paper and apps).- I thought DRAGRACES - might get a "Rupaul shows" clue- I didn't mind the partial answers, but love Rex's dry pancake mix analogy- I still think of MC Hammer's pants as BAGGY, basically an extreme example of the urban fashion of the day. I don't know how many of you have younger kids, but it took my mind forever to get off of "EN" for _____ canto. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. No significant problems for me, and I enjoyed the theme. """Gina was fifteen when she met him ." When she met him, it was a bad time for her, but he was literally starving. Which is not a thing. )Another Jew endorsing HIGH HOLlDAYS. Free Blogger Templates But then I thought a little more, and realized that there is no 'right' place -- if you're going to put HHO in a square it could be either the preceding or the following one. Knew BAGGY, which led to ALG, which was less than helpful, because RHINO? People wear scarfs to U.S. football games (and how about those outdoor hockey games). [6] She was played by Vera Miles. Hand up for not being sure exactly how to add the water. While in the OSS, she met her husband Paul Child who . The Mini Meta is two puzzles in one --. SNELL may as well be a nonsense word to me so I had SMELT there for awhile, but couldn't figure out anything other than AIL that would fit on the bottom. Wordle 257 2/6, Teens these days! SW corner also a toughie, the clues were opaque down there. SEE YA.yd -3, should'ves 1Four F'sRooMonsterDarrinV. And if you smoosh the HHO into the same square, placing it in front of those letters, everything will work out correctly. When the elder went up to her at last she met him enthusiastically. @Anon 1:21 - Shouldn't it be a "Wham!bulance?" I got the theme quickly jumping down early to get the clever revealer and spent the rest of the puzzle trying to force fit the theme answers into an awkward rebus. Thx August, for a terrific battle! And in her 70s, Carroll remained a beacon to millions of readers seeking out her frank talk about sex,. Relative difficulty: Medium-Challenging, Isn't it HIGH HOLy DAYS? I had a personal Natick on the REN_ER/S_ELL cross, as did some Anon up there. Hey! For me, it was the French horns that announced the theme; the question was how to squeeze them in. Answer: no one. Found puz OK, didn't I HEART it, but nice nonetheless.Enough BABBLE from me. As in HIGLIDAYS are celebrated every April 20th BEACUSES they's funses.And here's my ride! You claim to be a Christian or Catholic or somesuch but you treat your fellow man the opposite of how Jesus wants you to.So do you think you are going to heaven the way you spend your days hating your brother?It was you who tried to troll and smear my post about my war hero grandfather. And it allowed mento think if all the theme answers as if they are new words. @loren -- Wow! .5.5. Very cute gimmick and great revealer. She claims she met him by accident. I had some cheats.In the end, I found this frustrating and not so fun. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If I'd thought "as iN" instead of "THAN" I'd still be solving. A Peter and the Wolf note - it's "French Horns" not "Horn" (Singular) because the Wolf is depicted by a trio of French Horns; whereas the duck (for example) is depicted by only one oboe. But the not-a-rebus thing ruined my time. We add many new clues on a daily basis. A bone of contention's Been stumbled upon:I claim it's a REBUS;You claim it's a NON-.I've added my water,It's in the right square.But yours is imagined --No water is there!! Take that.There's a group of big-voiced singers around here called BEL Canto, commonly referred to by many of us as the "Can Belto's".Great Thursday, AL-K. That's A Lot of Knowledge for a youngster, or anyone else, for that matter. I believe he's now retired. Your email address will not be published. Wrestled forever with how to make a rebus work. You came here to get. My problem with this puzzle was that I couldn't forget that chemists write out H2O as HOH because that is how the molecule is structured. "Question is, why do people like this? A recent poll conducted by Unscrambled Words shows that Gen Z is taking the , A daily crossword has long been promoted as a great way to keep our brains healthy. LOL @ LMS - divining where to locate the water! I thought the whole thing was annoying. Even when I sorta figured this out, it drained me. Agree with you, Rex. Not a Jew, but I know enough it should be HIGH HOLY DAYS. Hand up for also LAUGHing at so all you've got, then, is dry pancake mix, and you can't eat that. Not sure what to call it. I have no idea what Hammer pants are but Im not sure if I even saw the clue. See my avatar for one ANNIEs more famous quotes. Sheesh.If the revealer had been "Just add Succession channel to your cable plan," 25A could become, Natives of LYON: FRENC(h bo)RNS. Googling shows me plenty of Jewish websites that use that terminology, as well, though "High Holy Day" is also used by some. Further that rational thought could take anyone. "-- Lennox, singer" (And making it one is a DNF). Plus HIGLIDAYS and BEACUSES need to be words now. No problem with the missing water making the answers ugly through dehydration. That HIGH HOLY/HOLIDAY mess gaurenteed that I couldn't figure out what exactly the missing letters were until I got the revealer. They're either early or late. Soon you will need some help. So how do I do that? As for the bike helmet, SNELL does vaguely ring a bell, but It never managed to be a crossword clue. I know it's two letters, but still that's what stuck in my head.Anyone want to talk about Bruno? Core-building exercise that starts on all fours, Kind of music that may feature a mandolin. WIENER. Ive seen puzzles go both ways. That rigging--the short line before the leader-- is in fact a snell. That fateful brownie happened over a Christmas break a couple of years ago.TKO before ADE. Huh.Thought the theme was cute, but I do agree with Rex that the resultant answers are king of an ugly weird, despite HIGLIDAYS having a kind of higgledy-piggledy fun ring to it. Both families frowned upon it. I imagine there will be a lot of discush today about the troubles of online solve logistics.And serendipity. In early 2022, we proudly added Wordle to our collection. I wound up putting in the downs correctly, then drooling on the puzzle.SE toughest for me, with odd ORALB clue and tough NSA clue.BEACUSES: Reasons the Saints keep losing? Crosses were fair enough I guess. Maybe circle those boxes to make them stand out. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. As per the recipe I added water and my rebus-filled solution was rejected. TUESDAY PUZZLE Congratulations to the constructor Karen Steinberg, who is making her first solo appearance in the New York Times crossword. Fun and tricky, liked it. Dana and Mike were better though. Because the grid has to be an even number of squares wide in order for. I found this one of those rare puzzles where the construction was remarkable and the solving experience a lot of fun. My bad.I guess i'm accustomed to thinking about the whole thing as a unit and not constituent elements. Make as many words as you can with 7 letters. DNC BEACUSES we got FRENCH HORNS. , Please check it below and see if it matches the one you have on todays puzzle. He was Sonny Werblin's fits big pull. April 20 has to be the very definition of HIG(H HO)LIDAY.I know Jeremy RENNER from Arrival. (I'm still in list mode from yesterday. not to mention, what to do with the rescuers? If you do, you've likely bought a packet of SNELLed hooks once or twice.I didn't think the muses were goddesses, but I looked it up and they are, so that's OK.I liked it OK. But as Rex astutely reminds us, losses are taken. I also do not like how the extra HHO letters only apply to the crosses and not to the downs. So I have not read any comments - might be back later after seeing why adding water holds water for this puzzle.Diana, Lady-in-Waiting for Crosswords. August. ","The company turned a loss after the first year". "Ain't that a kick in the hamlet? Another example of Classical Latin, rebus, also appears in several of today's comments but now instead of the clear, unambiguous and unchanging meaning, there is confusion as to what a rebus really is. Commence groaning. Would include bathin and laundry, of course.Re: CLASSIC -- Sinatra & Shakespeare is quite a pair to draw to. Kinda like using a rarely used word in a Thursday puzzle. Luved @Frantic Sloth's take on it, too boot.Yo, @Muse darlin: Perhaps HIGLIDAYS can be a weekend stretch where one totally eschews water, in favor of Stoli. This one was pretty much all wet. So that one went in without an issue for me.I gave up at TURNALOSS, as I'm unfamiliar with the expression and, for whatever reason, couldn't suss it out or was too lazy to do so. Is it an actual written rule that harry potter has to be in every NYT puzzle, or is it just something they do because to be cute? Ms. Steinberg's puzzle follows her May. What are we calling that phenomenon, Andrea? I was expecting it. The wunderkind has created another gem, while simultaneously making me feel like an underachieving lump of coal. When I'm NUDE I'm not just wearing a smileI look at some sags beginning to show and I frown.TARMACS came easy and it got me started on finding the theme reveal. Thanks for lots of fun. Oh, I see. Three-letter DNF, but I haven't yet figures out the "Thursday trick." P.S. Whooshed about six feet over my head. So the meanings of the mottos are set in stone, both figuratively and often literally. This crossword clue might have a different answer every time it appears on a new New York Times Crossword, so please make sure to read all the answers until you get to the one that solves current clue. She met her husband Frank after beating him in a shooting match crossword clue Written by krist March 3, 2022 We found 1 solution for She met her husband Frank after beating him in a shooting match crossword clue. That SNELL on Ozark is a main character and a real piece of work. I still don't know what's going on.I get to the reveal.Oh, I JUST have to ADD WATER. Good puz, but dang that NE corner really DEMENTORed m&e. The fact that other faith systems had structured monasteries a thousands of years before your guy means nothing to you, to something can only be true if it's Christ-centric. What if you did just add water by the commonly depicted molecular shape of water, which is basically the Mickey Mouse logo where the ears are H and the face is O. A prime example of word game (this is not a crossword puzzle except in superficial form) that I Do Not Like. From Quiz: Murder, She Wrote. The interweb says Holy days and Holidays are both acceptable. Not a particularly hard puzzle but I feel the revealer was misdirection. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. When recent obit headlines said that MASHs Hot Lips Houlihan died, I and a million others thought Loretta SWIT - who is this Sally Kellerman? HER. WATER. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . :)@Frantic / @Eniale @okanaganer for 0 dbyd___yd pg: 8:35 / W: 4* Peace ~ Compassion ~ Tolerance ~ Kindness to all . Seems they are telling Harvard with their "Veritas", oh yeah? Friend of Forman and Fez on That 70s Show / TUE 3- Compartmented Japanese lunch / MON 3-28-22 / Class 1990s-2000s Volkswagen seven-seater / SUN 3-27-22 Alpine folk dress / SAT 3-26-22 / Ostinato provide Pandora releases / FRI 3-25-22 / Adage first attri Sports star turned model Gabrielle / THU 3-24-22 / Metonym for the US Congress / WED 3-23-22 / Place Oxymoronic stage name for the D.J. Talk about needing the reveal! Might as well have been in Greek. Mom just didnt understand; for the rest of the family, our religion was baseball! HOH? This crossword clue might have a different answer every time it appears on a new New York Times Crossword, so please make sure to read all the answers until you get to the one that solves current clue. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. It is almost as if the misdirection for veteran solvers is the anticipation that a rebus would be needed. Ah, the glory days of 1969.Every Oriole met his Met, Every Baltimore Colt his Jet,Every Bullet missed it's Knick.Every Baltimore fan was sick.Great time to be young and a NY fan. The team that named NY Times, which has developed a lot of great other games and add this game to the Google Play and Apple stores. I'll call the Wambulance. Enter a Crossword Clue Sort by Length This webpage will help you to find She met her husband Frank after beating him in a shooting match NY Times Crossword answers. Enter a Crossword Clue Well, you're a religious bigot to go along with being deliberately obnoxious. And even if I did use Google Id still trust my ability to critically read the results, so I trust google hits in much the same way I trust Wikipedia or Britannica, as good starts. And the Thrill of getting a Puzzle Published, How Myles Mellor became a Cruciverbalist and made Crosswords A career, Central Ohio Wordsmith saw their xwords published in NYTimes, A New Greco-Roman Xword Puzzle Past U.S Olympians. Was this a rebus puzzle or you just had to think the extra letters? Im glad Im a pencil solver and can write small. "I disagree 100%. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . . Bonus points if those three now connected words would make some larger meaningful "solution" either literally (components of a common mix) or figuratively(solve some meta-clue). So, its not only non Christian faiths you deem null, non RC Christian faiths count for nothing in your eyes.You might want to take a look at yourself. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" crossword clue, Having no stabilizing ties crossword clue, Comedian Michael of "Saturday Night Live" crossword clue, Opera whose title character is a princess crossword clue, Many a Times Square visitor crossword clue, Baseball team in the ESPN documentary "Once Upon a Time in Queens" crossword clue, Internet troll who takes over a discussion crossword clue, Virgin River novelist Robyn crossword clue, Suffix with "farm" or "home" crossword clue, She met her husband Frank after beating him in a shooting match, ___ Pollak actor who plays Moishe Maisel in the period comedy-drama TV series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, She might take care of a kid on a sick day, She may attend a parent-teacher conference, She married Bill in 1975 but didn't start using his last name until his 1982 Arkansas gubernatorial campaign, If Tomlin came from San Fernando, she might be called __, If Robinson left En Vogue to sing in Jerry Garcia's group, she might be called __. Hand up for liking this one. We strive to offer puzzles for all skill levels that everyone can enjoy playing every day. You can narrow down the possible answers by specifying the number of letters it contains. Nice one, August.This was fun and unique, thanks! Maybe clue and answer just got switched when there was no use for the too short unused themer? He was killed in WWII fighting for the UK in the Scottish Paratrooper Battalion. She met her husband Frank after beating him in a shooting match Crossword Clue NYT . just noticed the grid is only 14 wide. I knew it looked weird. This was the hardest NYT crossword I have done in recent memory, and it was a Thursday! In case there is more than one answer to this clue it means it has appeared twice, each time with a different answer. Terminologies and Types, Investigative reporter Farrow Crossword Clue, Drink hidden in tea leaves Crossword Clue, Univ. :)Tough+Aside from the H2O trickery, this one was way out of my ken, wavelength-wise. It was last seen in The New York Times quick crossword. And in many circles Snell certified helmets are very important. I Hate I HEART written out. Didn't help, that I had FEAR, then FACE, instead of FAME.DRAGRACES are fights? Also easier to say. Together, the riddles and puzzles embedded in each story form the irresistible , The NY Times crossword puzzle keeps up with latest tech trends and now you no longer have to get the paper edition of the newspaper , Crossword Puzzles A crossword is a puzzle with overlapping answer words. Sometimes I think there is a little subconscious language circuit in the brain that operates independently to help solve puzzles like Wordle. @Rich Glauber (8:44 AM)I see @Z has come to the rescue re: 'malapop'(not to be confused with malaprop). Was trying to remember something from 10th grade Bio about cells besides mitochondria oh, *that* kind of cell!Definitely challenging, good start to Thursday.
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