Glory be to God. I attended prayer academy and my life has never been the same again. I can testify to the glory of God that all have become history. Real self-defense system, designed By Swat Team Leader, even without any martial arts training.Here are link: Link: 8 secrets for self-defense without any martial arts trainingPenny Albritton April 3, 2018 at 19:36 PM GET YOUR SEXIESTBODY EVER BY YOGA?Here are link: Link: 9 secrets to get your sexiest body ever by yoga. Blog24, I joyfully join u all my brothers n sisters in praising the Lord and thanking bro Elisha for listening to the Lord to teach us how to access our liberty n blessings. God has armed this ministery with power to step onto scorpions and snakes and to claim what the Lord has given to all those who believe, we must PRAY we must continue to PRAY, God has assigned us to dominate. I have been your faithful student fir some time and I have participated in many of your prayer programs from prayer academy, diamond edition, golden journey just to mention a few. Prayer Academy - Elisha Goodman - healing prayer, prayer book, christian book store. glory be to the lord. When my fianc finally came, a white and black dog (Yorkshire terrier) came toward me a lot more frisky than the earlier dog but my fianc got rid of him before he got near me. O Lord roll-away every barrier to my ?? O Lord, let my season of divine intervention appear in the name of Jesus. She confessed to me that her husbands family is so much into witchcraft that she was doubtful that he can give his life to Christ. I am available for abundant overflow this month of April. 7. Prayer bullet #39: 3. I recently participated in the just concluded Sapphire prayer program., It has bing a longtime forgive me not being reply to your constant encouragement and lam very verygreatful for all your emails thank you very much and all the glory we give onto the master our lord Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith amen GOD bless you so much l love in jesus name elisha, I try by almince to forgive the people who did this to me but its difficult. I break the curse of scarcity over my life; I command the floodgates of abundance to open over my life in Jesus mighty name. Hi, please give me a bullet prayer points to fight a demon who stole my hair. I am enjoying my marriage as never before. Dear Elisha In addition i managed to join spousewell programme, for the last 2years i would not because of financial problem. I now work like a labourer in the sun,cold but i used to be in an airconditioned office being an officer. 7. Fearing in 2008.since then I had muscarriagees please pray for me to get miracles(get healed of Hiv+ and wounds on my private parts.Pray with me in the name of Jesus. I release my finances from the influences, control and domination of household wickedness in the name of Jesus Surely the Lord has provided a way for us where there was no way. I reject every evil initiation in the dream in the name of Jesus. 2. Let spiritual magnetic power that attracts and keeps wealth be installed in my finances in I did not take it because I thought the amount was very low for wealthy people and it was not my wedding day yet. Of course, top on my mind was that I needed my marriage back (of course a better version of it!) It looked like a satyre though. To God be the Glory! I AM ON 16TH DAY, OF PRE MARATON PRAYER. Bring your marriage before the alter of God and stop looking at your husband and trying to change him. in a span of less than 30min my brother informed me that my uncle was safely abandoned at a certain point in Embu and the police are tracking the vehicle heading towards Meru. 1. You will receive emails from Elisha regularly after that. Prayer bullet #47: O Lord, let all satanic angels deflecting blessings away from me be completely paralyzed, in the name of Jesus, May God continue to anoint,strengthen and She is told me mum its your prayers taught by Elisha Goodma. The courage I find in your prayers are always on time and to the point. My family is surprised and I keep sharing the prayer points to send with them. 10 Let all the effects of evil spiritual wedding rings, garments and shoes be completely removed in Jesus name, 11 Let any veil of hatred against me in the heart of my godly spouse be destroyed in the name of Jesus, 12 Let any wicked spirit polluting the heart of my spouse-to-be against me receive the stones of fire, in the name of Jesus. He is the one who this days urges me to pray the prayers you sent me (he is a whole new man). " I prayed the Abraham and Isaac bullet and she was called back. I thank God for you Servant of God. The truth of the matter is I have jobless for over two years now. job competitors in the Name of Jesus. It is my prayer that i will be able to finalize on my programmes all to the honour and the glory of God. He is all sufficient, our provider, with him nothing is impossible, He is our refuge our fortress. help me i feel like killing myself. 3Who may ascend the mountainof theLord? You can use some of the prayer bullets inside 40 Prayers to Attract A Car (or Anything Else) prayer set and pray for your son. Pastikan Andatelah memberikanhatimu kepada Yesus. that is greatful. O Great Physician by the power for which you are known to be God, arise and declare a total healing in my body and every damaged cell in my body. Thank you Brother Elisha for the daily prayer bullets. one after anotherMan of God as. I got frustrated with that and I thought they was no way out. 6. 7 Furious Prayers For December 2019 | Elisha . Your prayer bullets are deadly, they are never uttered in vain & they dont return null & void. If you have all the materials from the Prayer Academy, you can use those prayer bullets and pray on your own. Let spiritual magnetic power that attracts and keeps wealth be installed in my finances in the name of Jesus. So encouraging that our God has not given up on us, He hears and answers us when we call on Him. O Lord in Heaven, I plead the Blood of Jesus upon my job situation and ask for favor to come upon me during the interview in the Name of Jesus. Amen. How and when can I shear some issues with you? I am encouraged daily on this site, there is a comment that brother elisha once made, He said pray like a prayer warrior even though you are not one. God bless you once again. May divine harvest fall and fill my life in Jesus name, 4. I started receiving emails from you with prayer points, but there was one prayer point that touched me which was about the power that resurrected Lazarus. Let the angels of war and fire gather all the evil arrows fired against me this year, and send them straight back to those that fired them in the name of Jesus. Then we all prayed for him and his family. Sometime in March, I asked a friend if they are not hiring. Before that could happen though, there were certain prayers she had been praying ever since she landed on our websites at the beginning of the year. At some point I got frustrated thinking my prayers were not being answered but with your encouragement through your timely emails I held on. I want to encourage PA graduates to pray with persistence because God never fails. As a Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, Role model, and Preacher of the Word, Dr. D.K Olukoya continues to spread the message of Gods power to restore, break yokes, and for salvation to all nations, thereby bringing about a harvest of deliverance and spiritual breakthroughs by the power of the Holy Ghost. Hi Elisha, 1. SA. 6. Lord, let every blindness to the treasures of my life be cleared away by the Hi i desperately also wants to join the prayer academy ,,can anybody tel me how much it is .in namibian dollars ,,,to join ,,i know my God will provide and i will join . O Lord my Father, speak mercy and favor to my ??? Praise be to God I thank God for being so wonderful and provide me with a coach a pastor an apostle like you who speakes the word as it is written so that I am transformed I would love to join the PA once I have money m so inspired by testimonies I also want to give myn, The One Key to Unlock Your Finances: (LogOut/ Glory To God The Millionaire's Prayer by Elisha Goodman Taken from "Passion Prayer of Jesus The Christ" HERE, page 157 - 158 BEFORE YOU PRAY 1. Elisha Goodman is an end time evangelist and prophet called by the Lord Jesus Christ to speak to the time and the season we're in. TheLordAlmighty I will be engaged in all the prayers. 2o,000/= ksh. Praise the Lord Elisha, I praise God and thank Him for Firesprings ministries. I also told my Lord that my family will not be broken, my children will not fail, I have a job to do; I will not sit and watch the devil destroy my destiny I WILL FIGHT HIM. He will see you through. Please help me with prayer bullets to use before going, l will not sell my soul. Almost all African people have an ancestor within the last 100 years who was involved with ancestral/idol worship in the past so you need to demolish these sins with prayer bullets. (I havent worked in one year ). I joined the prayer academy on march 25th but I have not yet received any emails about what we are supposed to do,every week what I an supposed to do.thanks. I believe in the ministry of intercession and thank God I found where to learn how to take my possession and also reach out to others. I release my finances from the influences, control and domination of household wickedness in the name of Jesus 2. O Lord, let all satanic angels deflecting blessings away from me be completely paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. My husband and i cannot afford not to be alert. Greetings Elisha. I am really blessed by this prayer program because it has taught me to war and contend for all that God has for me. Then a pneumonia of inhalation was discovered. Now must enroll for Prayer Academy ASAP. 2. I have also stated that i am a Pensioner and cannoy afford to join the P.A. Thank you man of God for teaching us to pray. God bless you all. My God keep blessing you for teaching g us how to pray. as I prayed this prayer I felt a hot and I something uprooted from my body. Brethren, waking each day with eyes to see the creation of God is testimony, am thanking God for those that testifying on this site and those that would be doing same later, but i was moved more by the testimony of LKM how she was tired of drugs and human knowledge and understanding,and now the story is Thanks to God, i got to know this site in Nov. 2009 while in Italy and the mail of the chosen servant of God Elisha Goodman bopped into my mail and i took it without delay and to God be the glory i have no regret but my prayers are for my wife to follow these teachings of this site, though she has started the Midnite prayers but more need be done,and i hope this year she will conceive and bear more children in Jesus name. Forgive all those who have offended you. Greetings in the name of Jesfaithful a memberntroduced to this website last year by my colleague. So far I have had breakthroughs in my academics, 20 year old family problems dissolved, and God intervened in a situation that I felt would never happen in my entire life. I was also admitted into the universitys most expensive residence even though I had no money to pay for it, God provided the 20% needed for me to stay there and I believe this April he will cover every single debt thereof! Brethren join me in thanking God who is able to do exceedingly above what we pray or think. The woman held it a broke it hind leg too and it went down weak but seinging its huge mouth. Thank you Jesus . By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide you in fact want, you can discover them rapidly. These have helped so much. I praying for a financial breakthrough and I know one day i will be able to join the academy. In times of dissapoint, tribulation, demotion, when you feel stripped of all dignity look to him. 3. I cant afford to enrol with Prayer Academy but i managed to print a copy of Prayer Cookbook for Busy People. HI again! His explanation was that hard stools make veins around that area to swell hence the pain when defeacating. At that particular time I was praying for a job myself (My contract is ending). The serpent disappeared. All honor glory due Hi matchless Name King of Kings Lord of Lord Amen. Two weeks later (last Sunday), I went to visit them in the evening. I thank God for what He is about to do in my life. i am writing this to say that i have sen God in all areas of life last week i lost my job but on the same day i received a call from another employer and i was offered another. i have been praying this prayer at 3am for the last 4days. Mengakuidan meninggalkansemua dosaAnda. Using Elishas prayer points from a friend: She fasted while I prayed (I am 6 months pregnant so I couldnt fast) The fast ended on Monday and she continued with the other prayer points. I truly wanted to take my promotion back, you see I was rejected twice for two similar positions in 2013. She was getting herself ready to vacate the house. Dear Elisha, I feel delighted by the battle I see in my dreams, army men tearing my enemies. Then every end of the week, I combine the new ones and the old ones received from him and continue to do damage to the spiritual enemies. 4. I decided to engage in the midnight prayer using different prayer bullets. I cant afford to enrol with Prayer Academy but i managed to print a copy of Prayer Cookbook for Busy People. I joined PA in February 2014 and I have already started receiving Gods blessings. and my Ex-Husband Back together After 23 Years of Divorce"
O Lord, make a way for me where there seems to be no way in Jesus name. When l found out he asked me to forgive him and give him a chance of which l did. Elisha l know God have given you the inside. Angkatlah kepalamu, hai pintu-pintu gerbang, dan terangkatlah kamu, hai pintu-pintu yang berabad-abad, supaya masuk Raja Kemuliaan! 5. I have had series of trials- marital, financial, academic etc. Please God bless you for such conceived idea, kindly go to live chat on right top right hand and will advise you how to go about it Im a little frustrated as I havent understood most of them. I break the curse of scarcity over my life; I command the floodgates of abundance to open over my life in Jesus mighty name. I report on 1st May since I have to give one months notice at my current job. I wonder how I ended up in that trap. If you still have further queries, feel free to use chat option at the top right corner of this page. Please !, Thank you Man of God for teaching me how to pray and esther fasting.
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