Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Also, sea turtles are some of the most majestic creatures in the ocean. In fact, they are often considered a symbol of good luck and are admired for their beauty. Do turtles freeze in the winter? Because of this ammonia and urea, the pee of turtles becomes toxic or poisonous. Here is a short video that shows how cloacal breathing works: Some turtle species like the Olive ridley sea turtle can stay almost 10 hours submerged underwater, and the air that they get through the cloaca is essential for that. So, wash your hand thoroughly after touching the turtle. Why Do Turtles Open Their Mouth? As with any other pet, caring for turtles requires no small amount of research. Uric acid is the main waste excreted by reptiles, including turtles; its a white crystalline substance that does not dissolve easily in water. There are a lot of myths on the internet surrounding turtle pee, so I want to dedicate an article to the topic. You need to be more careful about touching it in the wild since it could carry unknown diseases. Rats invaded paradise. Pet turtles are on the list of animals to be careful around when you're pregnant. Turtle urines distinctive smell is caused by nitrogen. If the turtle is injured or sick, it is best not to touch it. Also, any manageable disease that a turtle might pick up in captivity can run rampant and unchecked if its released into the wild. Turtles will also beg for food when you pass by their enclosure or venture near that coveted food shelf. When it comes to cleaning up, the most important part is ensuring to keep the mess away from your eyes, mouth, and nose. Then, it may occur. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The way they show their, Read More Do Turtles Get Attached To Their Owners?Continue, Perhaps youve often observed box turtles in woodlands where water sources are plentiful or observed other turtle species swimming in lakes, ponds, etc., and wondered can box turtles swim, which is essential to know if you are considering getting one as a pet. To avoid kidney failure or infection, they remove urea from their bodies. Turtle pee rarely smells. Warts are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV), and turtles simply dont have this virus. It can lead to skin irritation and other health issues for people with weakened immune systems. 2 Big-Headed Turtle. Turtles are known for their long life span, hard shells, and slow but steady way of moving. Turtles need to be housed appropriately, or they will not thrive. How Do Scientists Reconstruct What Dinosaurs Looked Like? When turtles get scared they can basically pee on themselves. Even if using the cloaca is less exhausting for the turtle, in normal circumstances a turtle wont be able to survive for long periods of time using only the cloaca. Salmonella can cause severe food poisoning and other lethal diseases in humans. Many find them adorable with little upkeep. STDs are at a shocking high. Hi, I run Turtleholic! I have yet to read a scientific study proving this theory, and until that happens, I will stand firmly by this claim! If you need to rehome a turtle, there are any number of internet groups and organizations that might be able to help find a suitable new family for it (see related links below). Additionally, it may contain toxins that can harm the brain when ingested. Some reptiles can harbor the bacteria as a carrier but not be actively sick with an infection. A good guide is tengallons of tank space for each inch of turtle, at a minimum. However, It can lead to skin irritation and other health issues for people with weakened immune systems. No, turtle pee does not cause warts. The infection is spread through contact with urine of animals carrying the bacterium. This is simply not the case! You and your turtle can have many happy and healthy experiences together! However, someone who owns a turtle and can no longer care for it might think that theres a perfect spot in a nearby pond or forest that would be just the place for a turtle. To help reduce their stress, you should check out my guide on how to transport a turtle. Some people may fear sea turtles because they are large and unpredictable, but they don't attack humans. Contact with water, soil, or food contaminated with the urine of infected animals. Is Turtle Pee Harmful to Humans. Turtle pee is a clear, yellow liquid with a distinct smell. When you go to pick up your turtle, dont do it from behind. When you touch turtle pee, bacteria from the urine may enter your body through small cuts and open wounds; this can lead to skin irritations, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal issues. You cant take him on a plane, and a long car ride is probably not good for him either. Salmonella is present on their skin as well. For example, your pet turtle can spread salmonella. Do You Need A Tetanus Shot After A Cat Bite. Yes. Turtles dont have an anus, so this opening is where they excrete both urine and feces. Turtles pee can be very harmful to humans. They have a highly developed system for disposing of waste. There are many different types of turtles, and while some are dangerous to humans, others are not. Your email address will not be published. Moreover, the turtles urine and excreta contain a high concentration of salmonella. Most of the time, there is nothing to worry about! Humans can become infected through: Contact with urine (or other body fluids, except saliva) from infected animals. As the ammonia is packed in the urea, it becomes toxic due to its concentration. Is turtle pee harmful to humans? Yellow pee indicates any sort of liver disease. They are also known to be aggressive and can be quite dangerous if they feel threatened. In fact, they are often considered a symbol of good luck and are admired for their beauty. The main reason is that when they are picked up, their shells become upside down. It is a common misconception that turtle pee on the skin can cause warts. (Can They Live Together?). You should not allow younger children or those who are not careful with hygiene to go near the turtle. Turtles are fascinating Do Ducks Eat Turtles? Remember that their shell is a form of their backbone, some pressing down on it can cause pain and cause them to pee on you. You should also not hold your turtle too tight. Humans pee, and reindeer drink their own people-filtered-urine to get high again. Here are 4 zoonotic diseases that are frequently associated with reptiles. If you are considering keeping ducks and turtles together, you may be wondering if this is a We are a passionate group of writers and researchers who write about pet turtles and tortoises. But, if your turtle doesnt use to being touched, theyll get scared and could pee on you. 1. All pets have the potential of spreading zoonotic diseases, not just reptiles. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. They can, at that point, keep going for weeks or for longer, if fundamental, on their new water supply. If your skin was exposed make sure that area does not come in contact with your face. Copyright 2023 by Pets Bunch. So, typically its not urination. That's because they are known to transmit salmonella bacterial infections to humans. Why is My Yellow Belly Turtle Not Eating? According to Dr. Adam Denish, of Rhawnhurst Animal Hospital in Pennsylvania, thinking that a turtle should look sick for it to be a threat is a mistake. Its a natural reaction to an unfamiliar situation and can be managed with proper care and handling. However if youre unable to visit instantly, wash your hand throughly and apply some ointment. Little scientific evidence exists regarding turtle urines effects on humans. No, turtle pee doesnt cause brain damage in humans. And about touching the turtle shell with bare hands- Yes, you can touch a turtle shell with your bare hands, but it is not advisable to do so, as turtles can carry Salmonella bacteria on their shells. Tortoises sometimes urinate when they are picked up. How Common Is It? And the fact that they have a sharper beak also . Yes, you can get sick or diseases from a turtle. Its possible that you might have seen a few horror movies where people that are going to be attacked by monsters or ghosts, pee themselves. could help humans with kidney failure, either by creating a more efficient dialysis machine or through gene therapy to enable humans to mimic the turtle and eliminate urea via the mouth. Turtles can be very mysterious creatures, so mysterious that even now we dont know that much about their behavior. All rights reserved, "Male Monkeys Wash With Urine to Attract Females? Can Turtles Live in Tap Water? Headache, fever, loss of appetite and fatigue may also present, and in very rare cases, CSD can affect the brain, heart and other organs. Its important to first note that good hygiene is the most effective way to prevent the spread of illness between your family and pets whether they are dogs and cats or reptiles. Yuen K. Ip knew something funky was going on inside the mouths of Chinese soft-shelled turtles. The mouth removes 50 times more urea than the kidneys. Take your turtle to the vet for regular checkups and vaccinations, as well as if any health issues arise. I am here to make the relation between you and your pet much more strong. These dangerous turtles are lake and river dwellers that can reach more than two feet in length. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. For the most part, turtles are not a threat to humans. Were sorry. However, they do have very specific needs for their habitat and their nutrition as well. People who come into contact with turtles' urine can develop diarrhea or gastrointestinal problems due to bacteria in their urinary tract. Practice good hygiene when handling turtles and their environments, and keep their tanks clean to prevent the buildup of bacteria. when to make moon water 2022. 1. ). The findings could also have stomach-churning implications for humans with kidney failure, scientists say. Salmonella can affect humans. Symptoms of infection by turtles in humans include. For example, infants can become infected with Salmonella by drinking bottles of formula contaminated by contact with the reptile/reptile feces. A New Blue Hole In the Ocean Extends Almost as Far as the Eiffel Tower, In New Zealand, Fish Are Helping Scientists Find Gold. Sea turtles are not harmful to humans. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Instead, simply rinsing out the mouth without drinking any salty water helps keep the creatures healthy. Ammonia levels in turtle urine typically range between 1,000 - 2,500 parts per million (ppm). As of yet, there has been no research backing this claim which is why this Is something we need not be concerned about. About Morris dancing and folk festivals My biggest concern in any scenario like the above is if young kids are involved. (Explore an interactive of the human body. Turtles usually break down protein and ammonia. A baby red eared slider, for example, might be sold when its only four inches long but can be expected to eventually reach 10 to 12 inches in length, says Dr. Jennifer Coates, a veterinarian in Fort Collins, CO. The site is secure. Cockatiel Lifespan: How Long Do They Live in Cage & Wild. Their bite can cause severe injury to humans. In other words, it is typically not urination. But be careful! "However, I saw a controversy here," Ip said via e-mail. They have a powerful bite that can easily break bones. Even so, why do some people complain that their turtles pee smells bad? Owner or handling a turtle will not automatically cause you to get sick with salmonella or anything else, just as eating chicken, eggs or pork is a risk for salmonella poisoning every time. Some owners feed their turtlesin a separate area to avoid this from happening. To save chestnut trees, we may have to play God, Why you should add native plants to your garden, What you can do right now to advocate for the planet, Why poison ivy is an unlikely climate change winner. Here are the recommended gloves you can use for turtle handling. In short, they pee when they find any danger or experience any kind of mishandling. Any of these foods can be dusted with calcium powder to provide an extra boost of this vital nutrient. However, when you let your pet roam freely in the house, you get worried that pee, poo or saliva can be harmful to humans. One best option is to monitor your turtles urine and pooping routine. Unauthorized use is prohibited. And Coates adds, depending on your turtles species, its diet, and your set-up, you may also need to provide a calcium and vitamin D supplement. After the researchers removed the reptiles from the water but provided them with apuddle, the turtles dipped their heads and, using the water puddles asa mouth rinse, spat out 50 times more urea than was present in the mouth discharge. They are inhabiting millions of deadly bacteria on them. A lot of predators have a very sensible smell and based on the smell of their prey they can decide if it's a good meal or not. In recent years, turtles have become increasingly popular among pet owners. This will cause kidney failure in turtles. The answer is yes if it is an aquatic species. Even though your turtle looks healthy and clean, its droppings or skin can convey Salmonella germs. In some cases, it may even cause an infection. If you look closely at a turtle from underneath, you can see this opening, called the cloaca, at the bottom of their shell near the base of their tail. Aquatic turtles on the other hand still spend a fair amount of time on land as well. Does eating close to bedtime make you gain weight? Some people may fear sea turtles because they are large and unpredictable, but they dont attack humans. Big-Headed turtles have a huge and distinctive head that can not be retracted into their shell like regular turtles. While growing, juvenile turtles need to be fed fairly often, adult turtles can be fed a few times per week, depending on the species. - Nursing Pets; Are Red-Eared Slider Turtles Dangerous - Reptileszilla; Would you let a . You just have to pick your turtle up, and you will be able to see that your turtle will start to pee. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. So you dont have to worry about getting warts from turtle pee. While at first, this doesnt seem like a very efficient defense, it actually is. If you have any existing open cuts or wounds, keep them clean and covered until they heal completely. In addition, the consumption of turtle pee can be toxic to humans; its not recommended that you consume any urine from turtles. Make them trust you. However, washing your hand and clothes after you touch a turtle can reduce the risk of contracting a disease. At the same time, the whole other portion is a liquid. Lets start with the cloaca. Sea turtles are not harmful to humans. Still, a few can cause severe injury or infection. Finally, if a turtle urinates on you, make sure to wash your hands and any affected area with soap and warm water immediately. Some people believe that sea turtles are harmful to humans due to their unawareness. The bigger the turtle, the more power the bite will have. Their immune systems are still relatively weak, making them susceptible to germs, including salmonella. Get unlimited access for as low as $1.99/month. The kidneys filter blood and excrete urine, storing it in the bladder. The gene was expressed in their mouths, not their kidneys. Do Turtles Climb Trees? However, prospective pet owners might question whether their waste is harmful. ", (Also see "Male Monkeys Wash With Urine to Attract Females?"). When you hold a turtle in your hand and feel a warm, wet spot, your turtle probably peed on you. Any infection can be life-threatening for the fetus. Infants, young children, pregnant women and the infirm or elderly are at greater risk of infection and should use extra caution when in contact with pet reptiles or their habitats. "Turtle urine causes brain damage in humans when it comes into contact with the skin," said Dr. Michael J. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the . It turns out they were simply peeing. It can lead to health complications during pregnancy, including: Dehydration. Required fields are marked *. As an ectothermic organism, turtles adjust and maintain their body temperatures, Read More Do Turtles Need Heating Lamps?Continue, Family vacations are a great time to get away and have fun, but waitwhat about your pet turtle? The bacteria can enter the body through skin or mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth), especially if the skin is broken from a cut or scratch. It can be either pale yellow or yellowish-green. How Long Can a Turtles go Without Food and Water? Turtles require both Ultraviolet A and B light to survive. Bacteremia (bacteria in the blood), which can lead to problems, like meningitis, a serious infection that causes swelling in the brain and spinal cord. 2. Turtles are also able to use their pee as a defense mechanism. To avoid getting sick, always wash your hands thoroughly after handling a turtle, and dont let children younger than 5 years old handle a turtle. Get all latest content a few times a month! However, do not be afraid. You can then easily catch salmonella. The findings could also have stomach-churning implications for humans with kidney failure, scientists say. According to scientific evidence, turtle pee does not damage the brain. In all circumstances, the decision to own a pet, turtle or otherwise, is not something that should be taken lightly.
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