When I my hood-knoll For winter lodgment Egil went to Thorstein's with eleven more. Might none behold, But when Harold was grown old, then was an earl named Arnvid governor of Vermaland. Egil in the summer made ready his merchant-ship and got thereto a crew. Skapti the priest, Thorarin's son, a wise man, was there at the time. Eirik ruled just 1 year before being ousted as Norwegian king by his brother Hakon the fosterling of King thelstan in England. Are spent and gone. Men deem this lord, Straining my strength I grappled, Egill went in Thorsteinn's place. From deep thought's dwelling. And when the feast was ended, Bard went home with his wife, and remained at home through the summer, and Thorolf with him. Then he rode away. Thorolf went his way in the summer, and his voyage sped well, and they came out to Hordaland. And when Arinbjorn perceived this he began to talk with Egil, and asked what this sadness meant. First, Egil, thou art here in the land after Eric made thee an outlaw; secondly - which is worse - though, thou hast a bondwoman to thy wife, thou claimest for her right of heritage. He went into the fire-hall, and up to the man who there had the overseeing of work and the management of moneys for Skallagrim, and was most dear to him. The king lost many men before the room began to burn; then the fire attacked Thorolf's side, and many of them fell. The descendants of Kveldlfr find themselves involved in two complicated inheritance feuds, at one time rejecting the claims of illegitimate children of a second marriage, and at another time claiming land on behalf of another illegitimate child born to similar circumstances.[32]. Egill's life was only saved when Egill's fostra (a female slave that had acted as Egill's nurse as a child) tried to calm Skallagrim down and was killed instead. Egil took the money, and thanked the king for his gifts and friendly words. ', The messengers went away, and when they came to the king told him all that Kveldulf had said before them. On one occasion, when Egil and Thorstein met, they talked much about Thorgeir Blund their kinsman, and they both agreed about him. Bergonund was beyond other men tall and strong, and he was grasping and ungentle; Atli the short was of small stature, square-built, of sturdy strength. Thorstein ran out on the moor. Guttorm fell sick, and when near his end sent to king Harold, bidding him see to his children and his province. Glory and fame In the summer he went inland to Sogn, but in autumn made ready to go northwards to Throndheim. Hacon went northwards to Throndheim. Grim took Bera in the winter following the summer when Thorolf had parted from him and his father. You will ask Thorolf, your niece's husband, to be here; I and Egil will have one winter home.'. He was a powerful prince. It is also told that he went to Denmark, and harried there far and wide. But cuckoo faints and fails not Thorstein was a man with no trickery, just, and never aggressive on others, but he held his own if others attacked him. And so it was that before Thorstein the king put this choice. He had now been long abroad. Strife with the royal house drive the family out of the country, and they settle in Iceland. Egil promised to go, and a day was fixed about a week thence. But when he was quite ready and a fair wind blew, he embarked on a boat with twelve men and rowed in to Aurland, and they went up to the homestead and to his mother's bower. Then said Aulvir Hnuf, 'Here is come Kveldulf's son, whom I told thee in the summer Kveldulf would send. [16] Thorolf flung the axe overboard, but reported to King Eirik that his father was grateful for the axe, presenting a bolt of longship sail cloth pretended to be from Skallagrim. ', Then spake Arinbjorn: 'Go we away, Egil; we shall not here effect to-day anything that will be to our gain.'. ', Then Thorolf went to Thorir, as he had said, and met there a right hearty welcome. King Harold long held his residence in Hordaland or Rogaland, at those large estates that he owned, at Outstone or Augvalds-ness, or at Afreksted in Fitjar, or at Seaham in Lygra. Gold that the heather-worm guardeth. After this ale was borne in, beer of the strongest. 'Axe furnished feast Bjorgolf and his son Brynjolf had long held the office of going to the Finns, and collecting the Finns' tribute. His third house he had on the sea in Western Myrar. Then Steinar turned to regain the bank (for he saw not that Thorstein had ridden by). Now will I, Eyvind, that thou go north to Halogaland. A light was inside, and servants, who were making the beds. He had two illegitimate sons, Hrifla and Hrafn. By this time it was broad daylight, and the sun was risen. 'He has heard,' said they, 'that you are a man of renown and high family. Shivered swords with stroke But when Gunnhilda heard what they were talking of, then said she: 'This I think, Eric, that 'tis now going again as it has gone often before; thou lendest easy ear to talk, nor bearest long in mind the ill that is done thee. In war's dread hour; King Harold proclaimed a general levy, and gathered a fleet, summoning his forces far and wide through the land. But the plain truth is, O king, that to rise against thee the people lack nothing but boldness and a leader. The ground was marked out by stones lying round in a ring. There was not a single man on board who had been in Iceland before. 5.0 (2 ratings) 1 title per month from Audibles entire catalog of best sellers, and new releases. Egil's Saga . There they learnt all the tidings clearly, how that battle had gone. Egil and Einar remained friends so long as they both lived. He bound his comrades' wounds, none of which were mortal. They were also to lead that force which the freebooters had brought to the king. Everything that precedes him are tales of his grandfather and his father. I have heard that thou establishest here in the land law and right for everyone. Of kinsmen none Great Athelstan victorious, Skapti then wished to try the thickness of the skull. After that he came north again to the Firths. He at once stood northwards to Sogn. Such heed beseems thee well; What canst thou tell of this? I deem it just that you should have this reward from me and my kinsman Fridgeir for saving his life from Ljot; for I know that you did this for love of me. They declared their errand with the king. Thou, as I judge, wilt think the same, and so will others who have any high spirit and claim to be men of valour.'. So Steinar prepared to go out to Snfells-strand, and there he set up his household at a place called Ellida. He had the getting in of debts, and was treasurer. There was a man named Grim, son of Thorir Kettlesson Keel-fare, of noble kin and wealthy. Wield we high gleaming swords. Quick were the blows exchanged between them; and Egil smote down some in the narrow pass, but some turned back to where there was more level space. They encountered a fresh head-wind, and rowed night and day, making what progress they could. But when winter was past and summer came, then Bard asked leave to go and see to the marriage promised to him the summer before. After that he purposed to go north to Naumdale to attack the brothers Herlaug and Hrollaug, kings of Naumdale. They say that Egil never went abroad out of Iceland after the events already related. [7] In the battle, Kveldulf displayed his "frenzy" (hamrammr or hamremi), which left him severely weakened. So Hing sailed west over the sea to seek Iceland. But between the brothers was rather a coolness. Eirik declares Egill an outlaw to be killed on sight, and Egill vows vengeance, especially against the manipulative queen. They spoke much about the earl and the king of Norway's messengers, who had before gone eastward to gather the tribute. While others slept, I wrought, Thorolf said that he thought the ship were thus far overpaid. I now give leave to all to go to Norway who would rather do that than follow me. Helpless is and lone. He then rode to Borg. There was an outcry and uproar, but Egil went back to his place, sate him down, and bade them serve him drink. This will best rest you.'. And as he came forward on the field to the ground of combat, a fit of Berserk fury seized him; he began to bellow hideously, and bit his shield. He had then the management of all the farms belonging to his father and himself and of all the produce, though Kveldulf was yet a hale and strong man. There was a man named Ulf, son of Bjalf, and Hallbera, daughter of Ulf the fearless; she was sister of Hallbjorn Half-giant in Hrafnista, and he the father of Kettle Hing. Arinbjorn was very angry that Thora his father's sister had been called a bondwoman. Then they went up aboard the ship, but the cutter rode beside the rudder of the ship between the land and the ship, and the oars lay there in the loops. The god once honoured, Thorolf answered thus: 'The king will not believe this, though such lies be laid before him; for there are no grounds for my turning traitor to him, when he has done me much good and no evil. They got a light and went thither. Alf said: 'I with my house-carles had gone to the wood, and we came on men's footprints; the trail led into the wood, and there must have been many in all. Thorolf's force was drawn up near the wood, Alfgeir's moved along the river. And I doubt not that all may deny this counsel, because few, methinks, know themselves guiltless, were the truth to come out. Egil let it be so. Dark deeds men love, Thither came also Aunund and Steinar, Tongue-Odd and Einar, and company. worthless weapon, Bracelet of red gold gladly. Institution. Many men plunged into the sea; but Skallagrim's men took one of the boats, and rowed after and slew all that were swimming. But neither thralls nor chests ever came back again, and many are the guesses as to where Egil hid his money. Egil walked first. Openly bruited He had his helm on his head, and laid his sword across his knees; and now and again he half drew it, then clashed it back into the sheath. Egil had brought in his sledge a very long cord of bast, for it is the wont of those who take long sledging journeys to have with them some spare cord in case the harness need mending. But on that same day Egil came home. Then Egil sang: 'Runes none should grave ever She was sitting therein with many women. And go from well-read to best read with book recs, deals and more in your inbox every week. 'That mark he hitteth Thorolf ever spend the winters with Eric, the summers in freebooting. Egil then drew his knife and pricked the palm of his hand. He made ready in the spring three war-ships, all large, and he had three hundred men. The king let the matter rest. There was great intimacy between Thorolf and Gunnhilda. And when ready, they again stood for the eastern way. As the winter wore on, if often chanced that the two, Egil and Thord, were matched against Skallagrim. Straight for it he steered; and when the boats came together, the beak of the cutter struck the side of the pinnace's bow, which so heeled over that the water poured in on one side and the boat filled. Wolf and eagle tread as prey Egil dealt him his deathblow, then went to his seat. Aid good from Arinbjorn, Arinbjorn answered. He thrust forward his halberd, and all before him started aside, and so gat he a passage right through their ranks. King Harold Fairhair had subdued Vermaland eastwards as far as Lake Wener. A wood to bloom leafy Before they leave, King thelstan convinced Egill to move to England and command his armies after their task is completed. They carried the coffin to the ness hard by, set it down there, and raised thereover a pile of stones. The door-keepers at once opened the door. Harold, son of Halfdan Swarthy, was heir after his father. Made bold to bear, To fill my soul: But the Vermians who had escaped brought news of this to their fellows, who were by the bog. Egill wanted to claim half-share for his wife, but the prospect was bleak because Berg-Onund was a favorite of Eirik and his consort Gunnhild. I will do no dastardly deed on thee; yet know thou this for sure, that this is no reconciliation with me or my sons or any of our kin who wish to wreak their vengeance. They slew all the men that were in there, and they armed themselves fully. Eager I came, nor thought Egil sat down there, and cast his shield before his feet. The brothers said that his would be put to the proof, if the king would grant them leave; they had often run great risk against men on whom they had less to avenge, and generally they had won the day. Thorstein and Egil made ready for their journey so soon as they had ended their errand. And Arinbjorn gave Egil the sword called Dragvandill. Where the wave in-brake Yet when king Olaf's men came to them, they had then numbers swarming before all the tents, and the others could not get to go inside. Eyvind Lambi kept the king's friendship so long as they both lived. The saga spans the years c. 850-1000 and traces the family history from Egil's grandfather to his offspring. Olaf's men imagined a vast host must be there. For few be the bounteous There stands a wood-clad rock by Hafs-brook: upon this Thrand was lying asleep, having put off his shoes. Again the messengers ask armistice of three days, with this further, that king Olaf should send his men to hear Athelstan's answer, whether he would take these terms or no; they say that to their thinking Athelstan will hardly refuse anything to ensure peace. He delves, around The king asked Egil to remain with him, and inquired how it had gone between him and king Eric. However this view of a king isn 't always the case. The saga recounts Egils progression from youthful savagery to mature wisdom as he struggles to avenge his fathers exile from Norway, defend his honour against the Norwegian King Erik Bloodaxe, and fight for the English King Athelstan in his battles against Scotland. Icelandic Sagas Egil's Saga Summary There is a lot that goes on during Egil's Saga, Egil himself doesn't show up or rather isn't born until chapter twenty. They came there at the time when the king was gone to table. Thord received him well; he declared his errand and the message of king Hacon. 'To him, high scion To raise his shield, The saga ends around the year 1000 and spans many generations. They two had a daughter named Gunnhilda. This plan they fixed upon, and so ended the council.
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