SPC Bowers continuously worked through his personal time to ensure the staging, field preparation, and training aids were all in order for the FTX. Directly responsible for ensuring around-the-clock indications and warning communications connectivity to the US Intelligence Community through primary and alternate pathways, despite a 30% reduction in unit manning. FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE AND SUPPORT TO THE FORT ____ POLICE BIKE PATROL PROGRAM 2016. ACHIEVEMENT #2 SGT _______ performed superbly as a team leader during the Squad Live Fire. Welcome to my Army award writing resource pages. SPC Agee's training resulted in dozens of Brigades and Battalions gaining access to systems and grasp a wider knowledge and competence to casualty reporting. He demonstrated his devotion to the future of the Nation while working with the community's youth by being a positive role model and instilling the highest of morals in them. His actions taught them valuable morals and are a direct reflection of his character and gives the public a glimpse of what it means to be a Soldier. PFC Boles was required to be the primary FO for his PLT even though it was his first training rotation. Deploying his company to Operation Iraqi Freedom with over $25 million dollars of equipment without loss. His professionalism and flexibility contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. His attention to detail and ability to adapt during the GCSS-Army conversion, enabled 14 Soldiers in the Supply Support Activity to be trained to standard. He routinely conducted Pre-Combat Inspections ensuring that his Soldiers had all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) prior to conducting DCLPs. SPC Doe displayed tremendous devotion to physical fitness by pushing herself through countless hours of extra physical training during personal time. For a period of ten months, SFC Doe served as the Operations and Intelligence Division (OID) NCOIC. SSG Heustis served as the Ammunition Range NCOIC during all the 541st CSSB's M16 Zero and Qualification Ranges for 432 personnel. Soldier assisted in conducting manned and unmanned teaming with 2-6 combat aviation brigade. SPC Doe provided situational awareness that informed all units of current route status, medical evacuation status, and ongoing operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08. !https://drive.google.com/drive/u//folders/1p. His desire to help others in the maintenance of their vehicles contributed to the detachment maintaining a 95% operational readiness rate during the deployment. Served as the activing Division Chief for the Operations and Intelligence Division from July 2004 to October 2004. This event collected money for underprivileged children of El Paso. His involvement with the community's youth promoted a positive image of soldiers being viewed as role models. SPC lightyear ensured that the community had access to Combative Level 1 and Level 2 instructors with training in proper Combative techniques. What I've noticed about MSMs is that each command has organizational requirements on how they must be written. There are two broad categories of medals: those awarded for (1) meritorious service (honorable service over a long period of time) and (2) achievement (a single significant act such as a difficult deployment, rescuing people, or completing a self-help project). Army National Guard Award Examples. He successfully orchestrated a diverse team of intelligence analysts and planners to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intel scenario, and extensive intelligence architecture, and produced over 200 MSELs, which prepared the Infantry Division commander and staff for their rotation to Iraq in support of OIF II. Secure .mil websites use HTTPS
He personally answered over 100 RFIs from higher, subordinate and adjacent units. Again with little notice, SGT Doe researched and produced executive summaries providing the necessary relevant intelligence to the CG and his staff. SGT Millard also certified as part of a team during three Section, Platoon and Troop Live Fire Exercises (LFX). Write Army Awards with effective sample Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets) While serving as Battle Captain of the Division's Analysis and Control Element, CPT Doe supervised the analysis and dissemination of intelligence reports to the Division G-2 and subordinate units, as well as other government agencies. Driving over 4,363 accident/incident free miles, SGT Doe earned the recognition of high miler NCO for three consecutive quarters. Soldier is the first operator to successfully conduct the operation within the division. Because of SGT _______'s leadership, mentoring, professionalism, and his personal efforts help made the squad a success. The latest technologies high quality electronic pubs and forms view U.S. Army Regulations and DA Forms. ETS Award help. These phones, once collected, amounted to over 30,000 hours of call time for soldiers serving in war zones. SFC Doe served as the Combating Team Brach (CTB) NCOIC ensuring the ever increasing requirements for this newest branch were always fulfilled. His personal contribution to the mission allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 3,590 miles and 428 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations theater wide. His ability to effectively manage and complete complex tasks normally given to junior level NCOs, was instrumental to the success of the branch during an extended period of NCO shortages. His commendable efforts were singled out by the senior US General officer of the US response cell. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. A multitude of sample Army award citations to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. SGT Diaz's work has ensured a safe and healthy environment for HHC 3/140th AVN. Washington DC 20310-0107, (This form may require download to view. Unit Citations. New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! If you would like to support the continued development of ArmyNCO.com, please consider making a small donation. DA 638 is a recommendation for a military award in the Army. The Army Incentive Awards Program, page 3 Program administration 2 - 1, page 3 Equal employment opportunity and adverse action certification 2 - 2, page 4 Eligibility for awards 2 - 3, page 4 Authority to approve cash awards 2 - 4, page 5 Cash award certificate 2 - 5, page 5 Army Incentive Awards Board 2 - 6 . My leadership recommended me for an ARCOM, but now 1SG is saying they can only include bullets from my time at my current . As a Military Police Soldier, SPC Morris performed countless duties. His intuitive skills and ability to focus on the key aspects of intelligence planning ensured the right intelligence support, architecture, and operation flexibility was achieved for Commander, ARFOR-T. His extraordinary efforts were lauded by Chief, G3 Plans as key to success in our planning effort and resulted in a highly successful deployment of the Infantry Division. He conducted patrol operations for 24 months, investigating and closing over 90 cases. His motivation was an example for others in the squad and his demanding physical training regimen became the squad standard for fitness training and resulted in the squad APFT average rising from 217 to 252 points. His extraordinary efforts and accomplishments during this period reflect credit upon himself, the HHC Grafenwoehr and the Bavaria Military Community. DA Form 638 Award Bullets. All you need to do is send us an email with your order number and we will send you the newest update. These award bullets have been pulled off of years of approved awards and all of the sites listed above in the resources to give you a great start. SPC Doe drove 3,495 miles over the dangerous Main Supply Routes
It is not affiliated with nor endorsed by the United States Army, The Department of Defense or any other office or agency of the United States Government. A multitude of sample Army award achievement statements (award bullets) to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. served in CBRNE NCO slot since pv2 graduated airborne school deployed to Paktia Afghanistan was a .50 Cal gunner . Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer, Citation to accompany the award of the Army Achievement Medal. His enthusiasm and dedication to the PBoM significantly helped the planning and execution of the mission, allowing volunteers to be able to take part in our community. Contributed to providing the DCS, G2 with accurate and tailored intelligence products while serving as a regional intelligence analyst. Official websites use .mil
Write Army Awards with effective sample Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets). o coordinated and distributed over $10,000 in baseball and other sports equipment to the Iraqi Boys and Girls Scouts, o volunteered over 40 hours to participate in the serving of all hot meals during operation Golden Medic 2010, o enhanced ministry awareness through an aggressive program of unit visitation encompassing 100% of the installation, o researched four successful chapel singles programs in developing a lifetime experience for 80 Soldiers at Niagra Falls, o selected for assignment as the Senior Enlisted advisor and Chaplain SGM for the Multi-National Force-Iraq, o established a Chaplain work site office expanding the spiritual fitness of 1300 joint personnel, o key to the successful deployment and mobilization of the TF 28 MED Religious Support Team (RST), o directly assisted the needs of 1100 wounded warriors, served over 100 patients/staff through counseling and intervention, o ensured that 25 Religious Support Teams provided qualified, seamless religious service and support to coalition forces throughtout Iraq, o trained and qualified 11 9th TSC Soldiers to serve as Empowerment Action NCOs (EANCO) for Army Reserve Warrior Family Assistance Center, o professional poise directly contributed to the Camp Humphreys Chapel receiving an "Excellent" rating during the 2009 inspection, o delivered 15 re-integration briefings, assisting approximately 850 transient medical patients, o managed a budget of 200 thousand dollars, provided financial oversight for five solvent chapel programs, o developed and delivered the religious and cultural awareness briefing provided before deployments. 9301 Chapek Road., Bldg.1458
Due to his keen analytical skills and innate briefing ability, SPC Doe was trusted by senior leadership to act as the BCT S2's representative for the brigade's counter-IED working group. SPC Doe ensured that his team maintained zero losses during three command inspections by diligently tracking his assigned equipment. For more details visit, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access), usarmy.pentagon.hqda-apd.mbx.customer-service@army.mil, Search Army publications and forms by Number, Title, or Record Detail. Ultimately, he increased the S2's imagery download rate by over 800 percent. SGT Doe was directly responsible for the post PMO clearance and background checks for over 30,000 Soldiers, officers and civilians assigned to the USAG Casey area of operations. SPC Doe inspired others in the squad to put forth maximum effort into their own training and resulted in the squad's APFT average increasing from 217 to 252 points. His input in this effort prompted many initiatives that proved vital to the counter-IED fight in the BCT operational environment including increasing the brigade's ratio of found to detonated IEDs. This tool includes not only examples, but a how-to guide on writing bullets, common mistakes, an award routing checklist, exception examples (letter of lateness, COA, and no award due), an award tracker, and other resources for reference all in one workbook! Air Force beat the U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. He was directly responsible for ensuring Soldiers packets were filled out to the Army standard, and went out of his way to hand deliver paperwork to the Squadron Schools NCO to ensure quick and timely turn-around. While serving as Battle Captain of the Division's Analysis and Control Element, CPT Doe supervised the analysis and dissemination of intelligence reports to the Division G-2 and subordinate units, as well as other government agencies. SGT Blank successfully fixed at least three dozen Soldier pay issues during his time as a Training Room NCO. From the moment SGT Blank came back from the 40 hour Unit Prevention Leader course, he immediately assumed responsibility and gathered all equipment needed to perform urinalysis. If you would like to support the continued development of ArmyNCO.com, please consider making a small donation. A .mil website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Though being in a position well above his pay grade, PFC Boles show ability and poise needed to . coached four soccer teams and over 35 children. o added over 100 non-sucky bullets to the ArmyNCO.com database and still filed taxes two days early [LEADS: FAR EXCEEDED STANDARD]. Award Inquiry General Information. As an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC), SGT Doe was directly responsible for the coordination of Material Handling Equipment (MHE) and the upload and download phase of over 47 missions to include the Pre-Combat Checks (PCCs) and Pre-Combat Inspections (PCIs) of all tasked Soldiers. Again and again, he relayed time sensitive information to higher headquarters in a timely manner and was second to none in his ability to battle track and maintain radio-telephone operator logs. Though being in a position well above his pay grade, PFC Boles show ability and poise needed to be a primary FO in the future, while out performing some of his peers. SGT Doe played a vital role in the initial construction of the first Combating Terrorism Database, assuming an initial operating capacity in only 2 weeks. I want to thank all my visitors for your continued support. Her actions greatly enhanced the morale of the warfighter and epitomized the Army value of personal courage.
It is not affiliated with nor endorsed by the United States Army, The Department of Defense or any other office or agency of the United States Government. MSG M's eagerness and unmatched devotion directly led to the success of the numerous Camp Darby Military Community functions held between September 2014 and February 2015.
It prescribes the policies and procedures concerning U.S. Army awards to foreign military personnel and foreign SPC Doe was responsible for the production of 10 specific CT threat slides viewed by senior officials including national and foreign agencies and Command leadership. SPC Doe displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader for 1st squad. Posted 7 y ago. PFC Doe's attention to detail was recognized by the BCT S2. SPC Doe served as a medium wheeled vehicle operator displaying phenomenal devotion to mission accomplishment in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. Job Performance Award Bullets. All that needs to be done is to fill in the details. PFC Boles was required to be the primary FO for his PLT even though it was his first training rotation. For these and other daily acts of compassion, courtesy, and living out the Army Values, Sergeant First Class McDonald has brought credit upon himself, the Military Intelligence Readiness Command and the United States Army Reserve. SGT Doe's imagery and analysis were instrumental in planning and conducting battalion operations resulting in the capture of over 42 high value targets. Any time we receive new bullets or feedback from users, we will make updates to this workbook and publish it with a version update. 107 Army Pentagon
THIS MINIMIZED THE OVERALL COST AS LESS SPACE WAS BOOKED FOR THE VESSEL. Your selfless service brings distinct credit upon yourself, the Office of the Installation Chaplain, the Installation Management Command and the United States Army. For your commitment to render quality support services to the U.S. Army Garrison, Religious Support Office during a global pandemic. SGT SMITH'S DEDICATION TO COMMUNITY POLICING ESTABLISHED A POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FORT ____ RESIDENTS. His efforts focused and streamlined information exchange procedures with multiple intelligence organizations eliminating redundancy and maximizing assets available. To contribute examples, enter them below and click Submit. Prior to 2002, this option was not available. Soldiers will not start a second row unless they are authorized to wear four or more ribbons. While assigned to (Unit Name), SPC Sue was responsible for and accounted for over $160,000 dollars worth of equipment. The Army Achievement Medal was created in 1981. If you email us new bullets to add to this workbook, we will send you a discount code for our store. Self-Improvement. Additionally, I have also removed many of the site's superfluous links to focus my priority on the content that has continued to make ArmyNCO.com one of the most popular NCO professional development sites on the Internet: NCOERS, Awards and Soldier Counseling. She directed her team of instructors with competent and confident leadership. SGT GARCIA, OPERATED AS THE GATES NCOIC DURING THE MISSION IN THE NETHERLANDS. He provided key analytical contributions to intelligence assessments and quality control for the Division Intelligence Summary. He has performed solidly at both. The upgrades greatly increased the squad's ability to perform logistics operations. 2006-2023 ArmyNCO.com All rights reserved. Army Good Conduct Medal (AGCM) Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (ARCAM) Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (ARCAM) template. Her attention to detail and ability to adapt during her training has been integral to the mission. She showed them how to speak eloquently when conducting telephonic training as well as how to present in person. 2006-2023 ArmyNCO.com All rights reserved. In addition, he functioned as an Africa analyst with over 50 of his articles being published. This month will mark the site's sixth complete redesign as I finally introduce a more modern, responsive . Heavy clashes rock Sudan's capital despite . His commitment to the mission, as well as his own self improvement, set the example for fellow Soldiers to emulate. The latest technologies high quality electronic pubs and forms view U.S. Army Regulations and DA Forms. During three command inspections, SPC Doe maintained zero shortages of his equipment. Established the Battalion's Safety Data Sheets program ensuring all Hazardous materials were in compliance with OSHA and CAARNG Hazardous Material and Waste Management Plan and Army Regulation 200-1 Environmental Protection and Enhancement. SGT Doe was hailed by senior leadership several times for her ability to brief senior leaders on the IDC functionality and on how the Terrorism Lead Development cell incorporates IDC. He promptly kicked in the door and began extinguishing the blaze leaving the scene only after exhausting all available resources. Additionally, he played a vital role in the construction of the first CT Database by single-handedly populating over 200 records derived from hundreds of intelligence products. Awards by Additional Duty. As a team leader, he was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers and the serviceability of two M915A4 tractors one M923A2 5-ton, three M872 trailers, and all assigned equipment valued in excess of 381,800 dollars. She showed subordinates how to manipulate and articulate practical exercises to give a realistic approach to casualty recording. (703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer
He was tasked personally by the S2 to continue producing the product. SHE ENSURED UNIT DEPLOYMENT LIST (UDL) UPDATES WERE DONE CORRECTLY ENSURING THE PROPER BOOKING FOR ALL CARGO. He was meticulous in every aspect of his soldiers' development and their welfare, never failing to go the extra mile to take care of their needs. A lock (
SPC Laney has tirelessly volunteered for this organization for over three months. His involvement in the community promoted a positive image of Soldiers being viewed as role models. Due to his contributions, the system was operational within two weeks, enhancing the commander's ability to establish links between terrorist cells and possible activity. At the present moment in time, AAMs can be issued for contribution during combat. He displayed personal courage driving over 3,652 miles on the dangerous roads of Iraq. This NCO emphasis on discipline and high standards resulted in the unit's high morale and espirit de corpsby far the best in the battalion. She ensured that students of all skill levels trained properly, safely, and intensely in order to meet the high standards of the curriculum. He served as a Battalion S-2 and Brigade Assistant S-2 during the 3rd Brigade's rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center, as well normal live fire exercises, and numerous other training events. Stepped up to take on extra shifts, enabling other watch personnel to participate in social functions in order to represent the American contingent to the international community with the highest standards. She has served as both a member of the Black Book Team, CT Database Analyst, CT Desk Officer, and CT lead development analyst for the Information Dominance Center (IDC). Award Bullets by Type 400+ Bullets- Use this Award Bullet tool to give you a quick and easy jump start on the next awards you write. o provided unparalleled support to 4 subordinate Religious Support Teams deployed across Southern Afghanistan, o his service during the Camp Black Horse Mayor's Prayer Breakfast touched over 300 lives, o planned, arranged, and helped lead two retreats in the Chaplain's absence producing a noticeable effect on morale, o revised and improved the Religious Support Team TASCOP and Annexes that govern theater operations by TF MED Religious Support Teams, o seized the initiative in the 2-12 CAV Suicide Prevention Training Program by orchestrating classes and serving as primary instructor, o managed a world-class Protestant religious education program with over 1200 participants, a 20 percent increase over 2009, o faithfully and skillfully executed all duties while assigned as the Battalion Chaplain Assistant, a position she is untrained for. Shortly after safely and successfully redeploying his section from combat operations in Afghanistan, CPT Doe began preparing his unit again for deployment to the Middle East.
SPC Bowers performed in a superior manner during the 82nd Special Troops Battalion Field Training Exercise (FTX) his hard work and dedication played a vital role in the success of the Official Mail Postal Operation course training. ArmyNCO.com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! (MSRs) in Iraq demonstrating his commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service. Leadership. As the Deputy Division Chief from July 2003 to June 2005, LTC Doe supervised Division and ACE personnel in the daily production of the CG's Black Book, The Current Threat Report (CTR), information papers, executive summaries, and input to plans and staff actions. SPC Doe exemplified the total Soldier by seeking self improvement while deployed in a highly stressful area of operations. As executive officer while in Iraq, LT Doe led over 20 company patrols in support of Brigade operations throughout the AOR. He spent the entire night prior setting up over 1,000 candles and assisted with the execution of the event, guiding Soldiers to the lit field. Her enthusiasm, ability to adapt, and meticulous attention to detail ensured the timely and professional handling of the division's administrative functions. SPC Agee's superior military bearing has resulted in her being able to attend and present at the conference and give detailed training on Defense Casualty Information Processing Systems. If you have a large collection of awards with new bullets that you would like to send us, let us know. SPC Jones continuous quest for mission completion provided inspiration to all Soldiers and exemplified the true meaning of duty. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. XXX Doe was selected above his peers for the coveted Distinguished Military Graduate Award; placing him in the top 10% of all newly Commissioned Officers in the Nation for Fiscal Year 2016. . He organized and established Kuwait Junior Enlisted Association (JEA) dedicating over 30 off duty man-hours, and was elected Presented of the JEA. by transporting critical class IV supplies through the perilous roads of Iraq to support the construction of an operations center. HIS EFFORTS REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, THE UNIT, THE DIRECTORATE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, FORT ____ AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. I site these as samples. So, with great humility and sincerity I say, Thank You.. Both seniors and subordinates sought him out for his unfailing mentorship. He spent countless hours ensuring that his assigned vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standard. While serving with 4th Squadron 2d Cavalry Regiment, SGT Millard participated in every major training event and range since 2011.
In addition to her regular duties, SPC Buford instructed six to eight hours per day, six days per week in order to ensure students fully grasped the concepts and skills necessary to graduate Combatives Level 1 and 2, instilling in every student the warrior ethos and the confidence to defend themselves in hand to hand combat. SPC Doe performed the duties of an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC) and was directly responsible for all aspects of the pre-execution phase of detachment's missions. His dedication to the safety of his Soldiers and those around him resulted in the detachment operating for eleven months in a highly volatile combat zone with zero accidents. As the senior fire support representative in the battalion Tactical Operations Center, SGT Doe effectively battle tracked, controlled, and managed fire support assets required for BN operations, which ensured that each of the four companies received responsive fire support and achieved all effects each operation required.
Trumbull High School Athletic Director,
Articles A